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3.6 Components deformations. The concept of deformed
           state of the point

             Consider the infinitely small element  dxdydz , located near the
           point O of a deformable body (fig.3.9). If the body is undergoing
           deformation, and u, v, w are the displacements in the direction of
           the coordinate axes at the point O, then move to the adjacent point
           A, which lies on the axis of x, is
                                            u 
                                        u    dx .
                                             x 
             Thus,  increasing  the  length  of  the  element  of  OA,  which  is
           caused  by  deformation  equals  ( u  / x  )dx .  Thus,  the  relative
           elongation or deformation at the point O in the  x-axis is  u  / x .
           Similarly strain axes y and z  give derivatives  v  / y  and w  / z .

                    Figure 3.9                                       Figure 3.10

             Now we consider the change of the angle between the segments
           ОА and ОВ (fig. 3.10) that to deformation of the body are mutually
           perpendicular. By moving the point A in the y-axis and point B in
           the  x-axis  direction    ОА  and  ОВ,  segments,  form  of  initial
           directions  OA  and  ОВ  small  angles  v  / x   and  u  / y .  Initial
           АОВ is reduced by the amount  v  / x + u  / y . This value is the
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