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P. 37
Task 2. Build up a glossary to the most important terms used in the text.
Task 3. Answer the questions:
1. What factors does the amount of water that runs off rather than soaking into the ground
depend on?
2. What is the difference between a stream and a river? Can these words be used by geologists
3. What is a drainage basin?
Task 4. Look at Figure 6.1. It shows the drainage basin is the area of land drained
by a river and its tributaries. Using the Figure and the information from the text give a
short report about Drainage Basins and the way they are formed.
Task 1. Tell whether the sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1. A rock that can generate natural gas or crude oil is called a gas rock.
2. Decay is a process of oxidation.
3. The black color in sedimentary rocks comes primarily from its organic content.
4. Coal bed gas is pure methane gas.
5. Green or gray shale has only about 1-3% organic matter.
6. Saturation is the most important factor in the generation of crude oil from organic matter in
sedimentary rocks.
7. In a typical sedimentary basin, oil generation starts at about 65˚C and ends at about 150˚C. t
8. All sedimentary basins are unproductive.
9. The terms river and stream are often used interchangeably.
10. River is a general term for streams that carry substantial amounts of water and have
numerous tributaries.
11. Every stream drains an area of land called a divide.
Task 1. Read and memorize the following words:
expel – виштовхувати, викидати impermeable shale – непроникний
(герметичний) глинистий сланець
the pressure is released – тиск падає або density - щільність
fault – зсув, розлом laterally – з боків
permeable - проникний migration – рух нафти або газу скрізь пори
trap –пастка (для відокремлення газу від accumulate – накопичуватись, збиратись
рідини або нафти від води)
оn average – у середньому, приблизно seep - просочитися
occur - траплятись free gas cap – газова шапка або купол (над
нафтовим резервуаром)
free gas – газ тільки газових покладів oil reservoir – природній нафтовий
резервуар, колектор, нафтовий пласт
saturated pool- насичене нафтове родовище boundary - межа
crest – гребінь, вершина, верхівка encounter – наштовхуватись на, зустрічатись
dry hole – суха (безрезультатна) duster - свердловина, яка не дає а ні нафти,