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P. 92

more like a poem. For example:

                                              BOX: Sentence starters
                                             1.   Being old is ...
                                             2.   Boredom is ...
                                             3.   Love is ...
                                             4.   A friend is ...
                                             5.   Without you . . .
                                             6.   I remember. . .
                                             7.   I've forgotten . . .
                                             8.   I wish I ...
                                             9.   If I could . . . then I would
                                                  . . . en I'm 64 I'll . . .
                                             10.  Wh

                            Variation:  Dictate  the  beginning  of  a  sentence.  Each  student
                            writes it down and then finishes it as he or she wishes.

                               BOX: Sentence starters (variation)
                                1. I always feel good when . . .
                                2. The best time of day is ...
                                3. When you live in this country, you should never
                                4. At midday tomorrow it is fairly certain that . . .
                                5. Teachers should try very hard to ...
                                6. One of the things I should like to know is ...
                                7. If I were a millionaire I'd be able to ...
                                8. Most people I know seem to be ...
                                9. It's a long time since . . .

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