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P. 91


                            Preparation: You will need a picture of an object.

                            Procedure: Give the picture to a student. Challenge him or her to
                            'sell' it to the class by arguing why they really need it. This activity
                            can be done seriously or humorously.
                            For example:
                                Student: (holding up a picture of a home knitting machine)
                                We are all tired at the end of the day. We can watch television
                                or we can go to the pub with our friends. But if we go to the
                                pub every night it costs a lot of money. Knitting is the answer!
                                Knitting is relaxing. We can give the jerseys, etc. to our friends
                                or we can sell them. So we can relax, express ourselves and
                                make  money!  Who  wants  one?  The  students  then  decide
                                whether the sales talk was persuasive or not.

                            Variation  1: Use a  word  for an object rather than a  picture as a
                            Variation 2: Record the sales talks of the students and then use the
                            tape to analyse with them how persuasive they were.

                            Sentence starters

                            Writing, speaking and listening.

                            Procedure: Write on the board:

                                  Ask the students to call out what they think could be added
                            to this sentence beginning. If there is time, ask the students to
                            work with a neighbour, to select four of the lines, put them in
                            order and then to find a fifth line that they feel makes the writing

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