Page 88 - 447
P. 88

coach               found                 long
                                civil               even                  band
                                board               succeed               conduct
                                rock                degree                post
                                sink                concrete              draw
                                Homophones: elementary
                                our, hour           to, too, two          1, eye
                                eight, ate          see, sea              where, wear
                                be, bee             for, four             sun, son
                                hear, here          right, write          by, buy
                                there, their        meet, meat            red, read

                                Homophones: intermediate
                                some, sum         not, knot,           accept, except
                                mail, male        pale, pail           way, weigh
                                lesson, lessen    night, knight        piece, peace
                                dear, deer        tale, tail           flour, flower
                                won, one          oh, owe              week, weak
                                so, sew
                                Homophones advanced
                                die, dye        principal, principle   more, moor
                                hair, hare      current, currant       prey, pray
                                great, grate    council, counsel       sole, soul
                                air, heir       morning, mourning      read, reed
                                him, hymn       waist, waste           toe, tow
                                site, sight     witch, which

                            Search through the book

                            Quick reading; scanning.

                            Procedure: Tell the students this is an exercise in quick scanning,
                            a useful study skill. Open your course book at random, read out to
                            the students a name, caption or sentence that is prominent on the
                            open page: can they find the place and tell you the page number?

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