Page 85 - 447
P. 85

Procedure: Tell the students you have an item to give away as a
                            gift, and the person who can give the most convincing reason why
                            he or she wants it will get it. The item can be something that is
                            really  desirable  (a  new  car  or  a  winter  coat,  for  example);  or
                            something that is not (a baby crocodile or a stone) so that students
                            really  have  to  use  their  imaginations  to  devise  reasons  why  it
                            might be needed. See the BOX for suggestions; or use items you
                            happen to have in your pocket or bag.

                            Variation:  If  you  have a  little  more time, this can  be done as a
                            team  game.  For  each  item,  each  team  should  suggest  as  many
                            reasons  for needing  it as  it wishes, and  you decide which  is the
                            most convincing. When you have run out of time, or the students
                            have had enough, count up to see which team has won the most

                             BOX: Reasons for wanting an object

                              Desirable objects
                              a car         a winter coat      an armchair
                              a radio       a stereo set       a television
                              a bicycle     a motor boat       a bottle of perfume
                              a gold watch  a     box     of   a bottle of wine
                              Not very desirable objects
                              an empty tin  a stone            a baby crocodile
                              a paper bag   a bit of string    a used envelope
                              a bone        an old             a single shoe
                              a feather     newspaper          a playing card
                                            a bucket of mud

                            Recalling words

                            Vocabulary review.

                            Procedure:  Write  on  the  board  between  15  and  20  words  the
                            students have recently learnt, or that you think they know. Make

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