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P. 31

VII. Word Choice.

                                  Find  the  most  suitable  word  to  complete  the  following

                                   The development geologist starts with:

                                       a)  seismic survey;
                                       b)  looking for oil traps;
                                       c)  drilling for oil;
                                       d)  making a hole.

                                                   TEXTS FOR READING.

                                    TEXT №1.

                            1.  Read the text.
                            2.  Find the key sentence  in each paragraph and translate  it  into

                                      The  exploration  geologist  is  concerned  with  regional
                              geology deduced from surface outcrop, geophysical surveys, and
                              the results of any  boreholes drilled  in the area.  In spite of the
                              enormous  advances  in  geophysical  techniques,  the  stratigraphy
                              of the area may only be determinable in a rather general sense.
                              The development geologist, on the other hand, is concerned with
                              the  detailed  stratigraphic  sequence,  and  its  structure,  over  a
                              relatively small area. Yet this detailed stratigraphic sequence is
                              not  obtained  from  a  study  of  the  rocks  themselves,  but  rather
                              from the electrical and other geophysical reasons obtained in the
                                      It is commonly said that the petroleum geologist has the
                              advantage of working without financial restraint. This is rarely,
                              if  ever,  true.  It  is  true  that  many  areas  are  investigated  using
                              several disciplines, some of which (geophysics, drilling) are very
                              expensive  to  apply,  but  all  will  be  operating  under  some
                              financial restraint. It is not so often said, but is nevertheless true,
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