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Unit 8

                                                    NEW YORK

                            1.     Read  and  memorize  the  following  words,  word-
                            combinations and word groups:

                            awesome - що викликає шанобливість
                            magnificent - pозкішний
                            diversity - різноманітність
                            convention - збори, з'їзд
                            suit - задовольняти
                            in all price ranges - за різними цінами
                            throng - натовп
                            boutique - невелика крамниця жіночого одягу
                            paradise - рай
                            nickname- прізвисько
                            commemorate - вшановувати пам 'ять
                            alliance - союз
                            staggering - приголомшуючий

                            2.     Read and translate the text:

                                New  York  is  a city  unlike  any  in  the  world.  It's  a  city  of
                            contrasts  –  of  awesome  skyscrapers  and  quiet  tree-lined
                            neighbourhoods,  of  glittering  lights  and  acres  of  restful  parks.
                            New Yorkers who live and work here are proud of their city and
                            eager to have the visitors enjoy its magnificent attractions. You'll
                            find it a city with a truly international personality, which is reflected
                            in the diversity of New York's population –  persons from many
                            different  backgrounds  and  cultures  living  together  in  peace  and
                                Whatever the season of the year, you'll find it a delightful place
                            to visit – for a vacation, a convention or just a weekend. There are
                            fine hotels and restaurants to suit every taste, in all price ranges. Its
                            cultural opportunities – museums, music, theatre and dance - are
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