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appointed  by  the  President.  Washington  became  the  only
                            American city in which the people did not elect its local officials.
                                Washington grew gradually for many years after the Civil War.
                            But in 1917, when the United States entered World War I, another
                            period of enormous growth began. Again, the government needed
                            new  workers  to  help  direct  a  war  effort,  and  businesses  and
                            services  were  needed  to  support  them.  The  city's  population  in-
                            creased  from  about 350,000  when  the  United  States entered  the
                            war to more than 450,000 in 1918, when the war ended. Shortages
                            developed in housing, office space, schools, and public facilities.
                            The  automobile  had  replaced  the  horse  as  the  main  means  of
                            transportation in the city. To accommodate the cars, the Mall was
                            turned into a parking lot. Many new houses, office buildings, and
                            schools went up during the 1920's.
                                During the Great Depression of the 1930's, jobs became scarce
                            in all parts of the United States except Washington. The federal
                            government became deeply involved in projects designed to end
                            the  depression,  and  thousands  of  new  government  jobs  became
                            available  in  the  capital.  The  city’s  population  grew  from  about
                            485,000 to 665,000 between 1930 and 1940.

                            5.     Tell whether each of the following statements is true
                            or false according to the text. Correct the false statements
                            to make them true:

                                1.  Washington is a symbol of the country’s unity, history, and
                                   democratic tradition.
                                2.  Many people visit the Capitol just to enjoy its beauty and
                                   its reminders of the country's past.
                                3.  The  first  people  known  to have  lived  in  the  Washington
                                   area were whites who established farms and plantations.
                                4.  In  1749,  the  federal  government  moved  to  Washington
                                   from its temporary capital in New York.
                                5.  Washington's main periods of growth have been times of
                                   crisis, such as wars and depressions.
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