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and paid for them.
                                Once  a  student  has  completed  all  the  necessary  coursework,
                            and passed the classes with a high enough grade, he or she is eli-
                            gible for a bachelor's degree - either a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or a
                            Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree. It usually takes four years to
                            finish  an  undergraduate  degree,  although  many  students  take
                            longer because they need to work to pay tuition.

                                              GRADUATE STUDIES

                                After  earning  a  bachelor's  degree,  a  student  can  go  on  to
                            graduate school to work on a master's degree (M.A.). This usually
                            takes one or two years of further studies. Many students will start
                            work  on  a  master's  degree  after  they  have  been  working  for  a
                            while;  a  master's  degree  has  almost  become  a  requirement  for
                            advancement in many careers, so it has become more common for
                            people to get a higher degree.
                                A  master's  degree can be  followed by  a doctorate, or  Ph.D.,
                            which requires up to four more years of study, plus a dissertation
                            (a doctoral thesis).
                                The course of study for a Ph.D. is not the same type of course
                            as that for a D.Phil. The American doctorate is a combination of
                            taught courses, exams, and a dissertation.


                               The one  very  real  question that determines  whether  someone
                            can go to college is whether they can afford it. Since all colleges
                            and universities, even those run by the states, charge tuition and
                            fees, a student has to pay anywhere between $2,000 and $35,000
                            per  year  to  attend  a  four-year  college. The  total  will  depend on
                            what type of college a student chooses: publicly funded state uni-
                            versities are the less expensive option, and private colleges are the
                            most expensive.
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