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                            a professional sports team. Franchises have owners who may sell
                            the team or move it to a different city if they do not like the way a
                            city hosts its team.
                            home run, homer
                            a  play  in  baseball  in  which  the  batter  hits  the  ball  out  of  the
                            playing field so that he can run around all of the bases and score a
                            a large movie theater complex with many theaters in one building.
                            pickup game
                            an informal basketball game played with whoever happens to be
                            around a public court.
                            revival theatre
                            a movie theater that plays older, classic movies or foreign films.
                            a game like baseball that is played on a smaller diamond, with a
                            larger, softer ball that is pitched underhand.
                            in baseball, a failed attempt by the batter to hit the ball pitched to
                            him, a hit into an illegal area, or a pitch within a specific area that
                            a batter does not hit. Batters are allowed three strikes before being
                            called out.
                            in  football,  to  pull  an  opponent  down  to  the  ground  so  that  he
                            cannot carry the ball any farther.
                            in  football,  the  act  of  successfully  crossing  the  opponent's  goal
                            line, scoring six points.
                            touch football
                            a form of football played without the protective uniforms in which
                            the person carrying the ball can be stopped when he is touched by
                            a member of the opposite team, rather than being tackled.
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