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                                After  being  accepted  to  a  university  or  college,  students  are
                            free to choose any course of study they want. They rarely have to
                            compete for a limited number of places. It is usually not necessary
                            for students to decide immediately what subject they will study. In
                            fact, it is not unknown for a student in the third year of college to
                            still be undecided. However, a student will usually select a major -
                            the major field of study - relatively early on.
                                To earn a degree in a subject, a student must complete a fixed
                            number  of  required  and  elective courses,  measured  in credits  or
                            units.  Before  moving  into  the  more  specialized  classes  in  their
                            chosen subject, students are often required to complete a number
                            of general education courses in subjects such as English, science,
                            history, and foreign languages. However, it is up to the individual
                            student  to  take  any  required  classes;  the  school  will  provide
                            guidelines, but it is the student's responsibility to actually sign up
                            for and pass all courses.
                                Students  may  also  pick  a  minor,  or  a  second  subject  that
                            interests them, which may or may not be related to their major.
                            Again, there are certain required courses that must be completed in
                            order to meet the requirements for a minor. A student may also
                            work on a double major, meeting the major requirements for two
                                Undergraduate students attend classes on a regular basis, usu-
                            ally two or three times a week for each subject. The instructor will
                            give  lectures  on  the  subject,  and  students  are  responsible  for
                            knowing the material covered. They will be tested several times in
                            the course of  a  quarter or  semester,  usually  in  a  midterm  and  a
                            final  exam.  There  may  also  be  written  assignments  or  research
                            projects to complete for the final grade.
                                Students may seek tutors for extra help in subjects that they are
                            having  trouble in. Tutors are usually more advanced students or
                            graduate  students  who  do  this  as  a  way  of  supplementing  their
                            income.  They  are  not  official  employees  of  the  college  or
                                Students go to classes, not to lectures. A lecture is a special
                            presentation by a guest speaker, and is open to all the students at a
                            university. Classes are open only to students who have signed up
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