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children.  Baseball  is  also  played  in  colleges  and  universities.
                            Outstanding  college  players  often  go  on  to  play  professionally.
                            Adults also play baseball for fun, sometimes with colleagues from
                            work,  or  against  a  team  from  a  rival  company.  There  are  also
                            organized amateur baseball leagues around the country.
                                In terms of professional teams, there are two basic divisions,
                            the major and the minor leagues. The major leagues include the
                            American and the National Leagues. The season lasts from April
                            to  October  and  the  championship,  or  World  Series,  is  played
                            between the champion teams from each league.
                                The baseball championship is the World Series, even  though
                            the  only  international  teams  that  play  in  the  American  baseball
                            leagues are Canadian. The basketball championship is the World
                            Championship, even though, again, the only non-U.S. teams play
                            in Canada.


                                The game known as football in the United States is not at all
                            like the game known as football in most other parts of the world.
                            Originally,  it  was  similar  to  rugby  football,  which  is  where  the
                            name came from. It's played by two teams of eleven players, most
                            of them very large men, wearing protective equipment that makes
                            them look even bigger.
                                Football  is  played  by  organized  teams  in  schools,  usually
                            starting in junior high school and high school, where being on a
                            sports team gives a kid a higher social status. College football is a
                            popular spectator sport and a huge source of income for colleges
                            and  universities,  due  to  sponsorship  deals  and  TV  broadcasting
                            revenues.  The  college  football  season  ends  around  New  Year's
                            Day with bowl games played by the best teams from around the
                                Professional  football  is  played  by  the  teams  of  the  National
                            Football League (NFL) in a season that runs from late summer to
                            January. The championship is called the Super Bowl.
                                While  rugby  is  sometimes  played  in  the  United  States,  it  is
                            probably the only former British colony where cricket has made no
                            impact whatsoever. Americans have baseball, after all.
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