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                            -   to make a bid;                -   to be no credit in smth;
                            -   leave of absence;             -   to smell a rat;
                            -   to alter for the worse;       -   to hold an inquest;
                            -   to hold a council of war;     -   in the affirmative;
                            -   to be overstocked with;       -   to reveal one’s plans;
                            -   to  make  a  pound  to  one’s  -   without a sign of recognition;
                              shilling;                       -   to take a plunge;
                            -   to get one’s name known;      -   presence of mind;
                            -   to raise the wind;            -   in question;
                            -   to be a godsend;              -   solar plexus;
                            -    to be in the same boat;      -   to get the better of smb;
                            -   to roam about;                -   at any rate;
                            -   to gain notoriety;            -   to cut smb out
                            -   to sew up;

                            5.Answer  the following questions.
                            1.  What was special  about Tom Crabbe?
                            2.  Why was he not the type of man associated with the word “genius”?
                            3.  Why was the writer sure of Crabbe’s brilliant career in future?
                            4.  How did Crabbe account for his failure?
                            5.  What kind of decision did the friends make?
                            6.  How did the writer act out the accident at the quay? Describe.
                            7.  What actions did Crabbe imitate?
                            8.  What was the public’s response to the accident?
                            9.  Why couldn’t the writer stay to witness Crabbe’s triumph?
                            10. Was that experiment a pecuniary success? Why?

                            6.Give  a detailed account of the “accident” the friend set up.

                            7.Make up a dialogue between Tom Crabbe and the writer.

                            8.Draw  a character sketch of Tom Crabbe .

                            9.  Discuss  the  following  problems  with  reference to  the story  and  everyday
                                   a)  A desperate disease needs desperate remedies.
                                   b) What type of people are associated with the word “genius”.
                                   c) Can a lie be helpful? Does honesty pay?

                            10.Write a brief summary of the story.
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