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                          3.  spasmodically  33. dodge        63. audible      93. basin
                          4.  laboriously    34. sermon       64. glorious     94. approbation
                          5.  rectify        35. dusk         65. mutter       95. glossophary
                          6.  vitality       36. limp         66. soliloquize      n-geal
                          7.  erudite        37. stich        67. sally out    96. resuscitation
                          8.  emanate        38. catgut       68. chime        97. dart
                          9.  anxious        39. brawl        69. balustrade   98. evolution
                          10. gaunt          40. disgust      70. dawdle       99. excruciate
                          11. cadeverous     41. complacently  71. quay        100.   mahoga
                          12. reckless       42. fowl         72. scull            ny
                          13. antiquate      43. puncture     73. paddle       101.   plexus
                          14. fogy           44. ventricle    74. frantic      102.   patella
                          15. ataxia         45. ravenous     75. grab         103.   bound
                          16. hypodermic     46. rip          76. reel         104.   bristle
                          17. syringe        47. condregation  77. clammy      105.   stamped
                          18. flock          48. stagger      78. heave            e
                          19. repulsive      49. promptly     79.  ignominiously  106.   lodger
                          20. epispatic      50. regain       80. haul         107.   prance
                          21. paralysis      51. convalescent  81. ghastly     108.   irretrieva
                          22. liquor         52. plead        82. impediment       bly
                          23. epispasticus   53. capillary    83. arterial     109.   bundle
                          24. discopherous   54. ornate       84. chuckle      110.   furious
                          25. gorge          55. catalepsy    85. rattle       111.   tedious
                          26. desperate      56. nystagmus    86. shutter      112.   legume
                          27. unostentatious  57. tumble      87. hoist        113.   mishap
                          28. treat          58. spire        88. surge        114.   ultimate
                          29. guffaw         59. afloat       89. throng           ly
                          30. despond        60. trot         90. bulletin     115.   pecuniar
                                                                               116.   bruise
                                                                               117.   erysipel
                                                                               118.   bronchit

                            4.Reproduce the situations in which the following is  used.
                            -   a bold originality of thought;   -   to bring smb a name;
                            -   on the contrary;              -   to take the matter up;
                            -   to take a degree;             -   the state of the case;
                            -   to gain smb’s confidence;     -   to found a practice;
                            -   to set up in considerable style;   -   to draw the line;
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