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                            and I'm going to start a trap this week. Just let me know when you are
                            going to set up, and I'll manage to run down, old man, and give you a
                            start  in  business,  if  I  have  to  stand  on  my  head  in  the  water-butt.
                            Good-bye. Love from the Missus.
                                  Ever yours,

                                          THOMAS WATERHOUSE CRABBE,

                            81 George Street,                                                M. B., Edin. "



                            1.  Skimming: Skim the reading to gain a general idea of its form, length,
                                and content. Give the gist of the story.

                            2.  Scanning:
                                2.1.  Put the following events in the chronological order.
                            1.  Tom  sent  the  strongest  current  of  a  most  powerful  battery  rattling
                                and crashing through the writer’s system.
                            2.  The writer could not stay in Brisport long enough to see the effects
                                of his coup d’etat.
                            3.  With a melodramatic scream the writer reeled and fell over into the
                                brisport dock.
                            4.  Crabbe published an erudite paper in a medical journal.
                            5.  The  inspector  of  police  was  followed  by  the  twelve  respectable
                            6.  The  writer  received  a  telegram  from  Mrs.  Crabbe  begging  to  run
                                down to Brisport.
                            7.  Crabbe altered very much for the worse.
                            8.  The friends made up a plan how to found Crabbe’s practice.
                            9.  Crabbe took his degree and settled down in Brisport.
                            10. The article was devoted to Dr Crabbe and the extraordinary effects
                                of electricity upon a drowned man.

                            3.Transcribe and give equivalents to the following words.
                          1.  bold           31. brim         61. swing        91. issue
                          2.  earnestness    32. notoriety    62. hail         92. persevere
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