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                            -   to get in a rage;           -   to exercise one’s ingenuity;
                            -   to make a scene;            -   to break off;
                            -   to gasp out;                -   to draw a breath;
                            -   to shake with rage;         -   to trade on ignorance;
                            -   to fall down like a log;    -   to be in charge;
                            -   to take in smth like lightning;  -   birds of prey;
                            -   to catch one’s breath;      -   to take an aversion to smb;
                                                            -   to make a fool of smb

                            5.Answer the following questions.
                            1.  What was Harold’s attitude to the people in the hotel?
                            2.  Why did Harold dislike the Polish ladies?
                            3.  Did Harold like the atmosphere in the hotel? Why?
                            4.  Why did the writer call Harold a bad linguist?
                            5.  What story did Elsie tell Harold?
                            6.  Why was Harold indignant with Elsie’s husband?
                            7.  How was Mrs. Rice going to hush up the scandal officially?
                            8.  Why  did  Harold  believe  that  the  Polish  ladies  were  going  to
                                blackmail him?
                            9.  What kind of sensation did Harold have on hearing Poirot’s news?

                            6.Give a detailed account of what happened:
                                   a)  in the pinewoods;
                                   b)  in Harold’s room.

                            7.Make up a dialogue between:
                                   a)  Harold and Mrs. Rice;
                                   b)  Harold and Elsie;
                                   c)  Harold and Poirot.

                            8.Draw  character sketches of the following:
                                   a)  Harold Waring;
                                   b)  Mrs. Rice;
                                   c)  Elsie Clayton;
                                   d)  the Polish ladies.

                            9.Read the myth about the Stymphalean birds and get ready to retell it.

                            10.Write a brief summary of the story.
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