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P. 25


                            2.  Scanning:
                                2.1.  Put the following events in the chronological order.
                            1.  Harold wired for money to bribe the police.
                            2.  The police arrived to investigate the accident.
                            3.  Poirot  did  his  best  to  remove  the  “Stymphalean  Birds”  to  a  place
                                where they would be unable to exercise their ingenuity.
                            4.  Mrs. Rice played the part of the jelous husband.
                            5.  Harold told Poirot about his misfortune.
                            6.  Harold disliked the Polish ladies at once.
                            7.  Harold decided to take a holiday at Lake Stempka.
                            8.  Elsie rushed into Harold’s room frightened to death.
                            9.  Elsie complained of the jealosy of her husband to Harold.
                            10. Harold  went  for  a  stroll  to  the  lake  and  then  turned  into  the

                            3.Get ready to transcribe and give equivalents to the following words.
                            1.  shiver     13. stroll          25. grip         37. harpy
                            2.  immobile   14. quiver          26. survive      38. beak
                            3.  odd        15. grief           27. faint        39. reflect
                            4.  cloak      16. uneasy          28. bribe        40. patience
                            5.  flap       17. fling           29. superior     41. anxiously
                            6.  appraise   18. spanner         30. moustach     42. spin
                            7.  claw       19. dash            31. bow          43. wig
                            8.  prey       20. burst in        32. hoarsely     44. credulous
                            9.  violent    21. snatch          33. blackmail    45. brooch
                            10. temper     22. presse-papier   34. despairingly  46. greedy
                            11. insanely   23. embarrassment   35. spot         47. aversion
                            12. jealous    24. temple          36. grim         48. sternly

                            4.Reproduce the situations in which the following is used.
                            -   to shape well;              -   under compromising
                            -   a rest from everything and     circumstances;
                              everyone;                     -   to be condemned to death;
                            -   a woman of character;       -   to survive a scandal;
                            -   to arouse smb’s interest;   -   on an impulse;
                            -   birds of ill omen;          -   to hush up smth;
                            -   to rest on smb;             -   due to natural causes;
                            -   to shoot a glance;          -   to be of some assistance;
                            -   a wave of indignation;      -   to come to a stop;
                            -   to throw a glance;          -   to come out;
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