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P. 24


                                  "No,  you  do  not  understand!  It  is  the  other  ladies  who  were
                            wanted by the police – the adventurous Mrs. Rice and the gentle Mrs.
                            Clayton. It is they who are well known birds of prey. Those two, they
                            make their living by blackmail, mon cher."
                                  Harold  had  a  sensation  of  the  world  spinning  round  him.  He
                            said faintly:
                                  "But the man – the man who was killed?"
                                  "No one was killed. There was no man!"
                                  "But I saw him!"
                                  "Oh  no.  The  tall  deep-voiced  Mrs.  Rice  is  a  very  successful
                            male impersonator. It was she who played the part of the husband -
                            without her grey wig and suitably made up for the part."
                                  He put his hand on Harold's shoulder.
                                  "You must not go through life being too credulous, my friend.
                            These  women  traded  on  your  ignorance  of  foreign  languages.  The
                            police  arrive  and  go  to  her  room,  yes!  But  what  actually  happens?
                            You do not know. Perhaps she says she has lost a brooch - something
                            of that kind. Any excuse to arrange for the police to come so that you
                            shall see them. Then you wire for money, a lot of money, and you
                            hand it over to Mrs. Rice who is in charge of all the negotiations. But
                            they are greedy, these birds  of prey. They  have seen that  you  have
                            taken an unreasonable aversion to these two Polish ladies. The ladies
                            come and have a perfectly innocent conversation with Mrs. Rice, but
                            she knows you cannot understand what is being said and" you have to
                            send for more money."
                                  Harold drew a deep breath. He said:
                                  "And Elsie-Elsie?"
                                  "She  played  her  part  very  well.  She  always  does.  A  skillful
                            little actress."
                                  Harold Waring said sternly:
                                  "I'm going to learn every European language. Nobody's going
                            to make a fool of me a second time."



                            1.  Skimming: Skim the reading to gain a general idea of its form, length,
                                and content. Give the gist of the story.
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