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                            year to me. There's a family connection, you know, and people only
                            want  to  realize  that  I  am  here.  But  how  am  I  to  do  it  unless  by
                            brawling in the street or by increasing my family? Now, there was the
                            excitement about the discopherous bone. If Huxley or some of these
                            fellows had taken the matter up it might have been the making of me.
                            But they took it all in with a disgusting complacency as if it was the
                            most usual thing in the world and dominoes were the normal food of
                            ducks.  I'll  tell  you  what  I'll  do,"  he  continued,  moodily  eyeing  his
                            fowls, "I'll puncture the floors of their fourth ventricles and present
                            them to Markham. You know that makes them ravenous, and they'd
                            eat him out of house and home in time. Eh, Jack? "
                                  "Look  here,  Thomas,  "  said  I,  "you  want  your  name  in  the
                            papers – is that it? "
                                  "That's about the state of the case. "
                                  "Well, by Jove, you shall have it. "
                                  "Eh? Why? How? "
                                  "There's  a  pretty  considerable  crowd  of  people  outside,  isn't
                            there, Tom?' I continued. 'They are coming out of church, aren't they?
                            If there was an accident now it would make some noise. "
                                  "I say, you're not going to let rip among them with a shot gun,
                            are you, in order to found a practice for me? "
                                  "No,  not  exactly.  But  how  would  this  read  in  tomorrow's
                            Chronicler  —  "Painful  occurrence  in  George  Street.  —  As  the
                            congregation were leaving George Street Cathedral after the morning
                            service, they were horrified to see a handsome, fashionably dressed
                            gentleman  stagger  and  fall  senseless  upon  the  pavement.  He  was
                            taken up and carried writhing in terrible convulsions into the surgery
                            of  the  well-known  practitioner,  Doctor  Crabbe,  who  had  been
                            promptly  upon  the  spot.  We  are  happy  to  state  that  the  fit  rapidly
                            passed off, and that, owing to the skilful attention which he received,
                            the gentleman, who is a distinguished visitor in our city, was able to
                            regain  his  hotel  and  is  now  rapidly  becoming  convalescent."  How
                            would that do, eh? "
                                  "Splendid, Jack — splendid! "
                                  "Well,  my  boy,  I'm  your  fashionably  dressed  stranger,  and  I
                            promise you they won't carry me into Markham's. "
                                  "My  dear  fellow,  you  are  a  treasure  —  you  won't  mind  my
                            bleeding you? "
                                  "Bleeding me, confound you! Yes, I do very much mind. "
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