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P. 124


                                  And  when  he  came  to  the  Magician's  house,  the  Magician
                            opened to him, and brought him in, and said to him, "Hast thou the
                            piece of white gold?" And the Star-Child answered, "I have it not."
                            So the Magician fell upon him, and beat him, and loaded him with
                            chains, and set before him an empty trencher, and said, "Eat," and an
                            empty cup, and said, "Drink," and flung him again into the dungeon.
                                  And on the morrow the Magician came to him, and said, "If to-
                            day thou bringest me not the piece of yellow gold, I will surely keep
                            thee as my slave, and give thee three hundred stripes."
                                  So  the  Star-Child  went  to  the  wood,  and  all  day  long  he
                            searched for the piece of yellow gold, but nowhere could he find it.
                            And at sunset  he sat  him down and began to weep, and  as he was
                            weeping there came to him the little Hare that he had rescued from
                            the trap.
                                  And the Hare said to him, "Why art thou weeping? And what
                            dost thou seek in the wood?"
                                  And  the  Star-Child  answered,  "I  am  seeking  for  a  piece  of
                            yellow gold that  is hidden here, and  if  I find it not my master will
                            beat me, and keep me as a slave."
                                  "Follow me," cried the Hare, and it ran through the wood till it
                            came to a pool of water. And at the bottom of the pool the piece of
                            yellow gold was lying.
                                  "How shall I thank thee?" said the Star-Child, "for lo! this is the
                            second time that you have succoured me."
                                  "Nay, but thou hadst pity on me first," said the Hare, and it ran
                            away swiftly.
                                  And the Star-Child took the piece of yellow gold, and put it in
                            his wallet, and hurried to the city. But the leper saw him coming, and
                            ran  to  meet  him,  and  knelt  down  and  cried,  "Give  me  a  piece  of
                            money or I shall die of hunger."
                                  And the Star-Child said to him, "I have in my wallet but one
                            piece of yellow gold, and if I bring it not to my master he will beat
                            me and keep me as his slave."
                                  But the leper entreated him sore, so that the Star-Child had pity
                            on him, and gave him the piece of yellow gold.
                                  And  when  he  came  to  the  Magician's  house,    the  Magician
                            opened to him, and brought him in, and said to him, "Hast thou the
                            piece of yellow gold?" And the Star-Child said to him, "I have not."
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