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                            3. Get ready to transcribe and give equivalents to the following words.
                            1.  snap         18. parcel out   35. maim        52. loathsome
                            2.  twig         19. tissue       36. outlaw      53. crawl
                            3.  torrent      20. fold         37. snare       54. pluck
                            4.  snarl        21. treasure     38. roam        55. sorely
                            5.  limp         22. loosen       39. frown       56. slay
                            6.  twitter      23. perish       40. flout       57. mildew
                            7.  linnet       24. threshold    41. pierce      58. shield
                            8.  growl        25. changeling   42. reed        59. spear
                            9.  horn         26. wroth        43. plight      60. lantern
                            10. owl          27. appeased     44. rebuke      61. thorn
                            11. rime         28. amber        45. haggard     62. nettle
                            12. faggot       29. swarthy      46. swoon       63. succour
                            13. warily       30. chide        47. broider     64. armour
                            14. deliverance   31. ivory       48. vile        65. tarry
                            15. bewile       32. daffodil     49. adder       66. raiment
                            16. clump        33. mower        50. toad        67. banish
                            17. willow-tree   34. despise     51. foul

                            4.Reproduce the situations in which the following is used.
                            -   to make one’s way;                  -   to hold out one’s arms;
                            -   to be at a loss for an argument;    -   to weep for pain;
                            -   for one’s own part;                 -   to drive smb away;
                            -   to lose one’s way;                  -   to make inquiry;
                            -   to put one’s trust in smb;          -   to bow one’s head;
                            -   a stone’s-throw away;               -   to have pity on smb;
                            -    to sit by the heath;               -   at sunset;
                            -   to work evil;                       -   to catch in a trap;
                            -   to cast stones at;                  -   to gleam like red coals;
                            -   to ask for alms;                    -   to entreat smb sore;
                            -   to make music;                      -   to load with chains;
                            -   to become heard of heart;           -   to make obeisance;
                            -   to cleave logs;                     -   an hour of humility;
                            -   to know no mercy;                   -   to wash with tears;
                            -   to shut the door of one’s heart against  -   the fire of testing

                            5.Answer the following  questions.
                            1.  What happened in the wood?
                            2.  What did the child look like?
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