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                            could  he  anywhere  find  the  piece  of  white  gold  of  which  the
                            Magician had spoken, though he sought for it from morn to noon, and
                            from  noon  to  sunset.  And  at  sunset  he  set  his  face  towards  home,
                            weeping bitterly, for he knew what fate was in store for him.
                                  But when he had reached the outskirts of the wood, he heard
                            from a thicket a cry as of some one in pain. And forgetting his own
                            sorrow he ran back to the place, and saw there a little Hare caught in
                            a trap that some hunter had set for it.
                                  And the Star-Child had pity on it, and released it, and said to it,
                            "I am myself but a slave, yet may I give thee thy freedom."
                                  And the Hare answered him, and said: "Surely thou hast given
                            me freedom, and what shall I give thee in return?"
                                  And the Star-Child said to it, "I am seeking for a piece of white
                            gold, nor can I anywhere find it, and if I bring it not to my master he
                            will beat me."
                                  "Come thou with me," said the Hare, "and I will lead thee to it,
                            for I know where it is hidden, and for what purpose."
                                  So the Star-Child went with the Hare, and lo! in the cleft of a
                            great  oak-tree  he saw the piece  of white gold that he was seeking.
                            And he was filled with joy, and seized it, and said to the Hare, "The
                            service that I did to thee thou hast rendered back again many times
                            over, and the kindness that I showed thee thou hast repaid a hundred-
                                  "Nay," answered the Hare, "but as thou dealt with me, so I did
                            deal  with  thee,"  and  it  ran  away  swiftly,  and  the  Star-Child  went
                            towards the city.
                                  Now  at  the  gate  of  the  city  there  was  seated  one  who  was  a
                            leper.  Over  his  face  hung  a  cowl  of  grey  linen,  and  through  the
                            eyelets his eyes gleamed like red coals. And when he saw the Star-
                            Child coming, he struck upon a wooden bowl, and clattered his bell,
                            and called out to him, said, "Give me a piece of money, or I must die
                            of hunger. For they have thrust me out of the city, and there is no one
                            who has pity on me."
                                  "Alas!" cried the Star-Child, "I have but one piece of money in
                            my wallet, and if I bring it not to my master he will beat me, for I am
                            his slave."
                                  But the  leper entreated  him, and prayed  of  him, till the Star-
                            Child had pity, and gave him the piece of white gold.
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