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                            even to sleep in the byres lest he might bring mildew on the stored
                            corn, so foul was he to look at, and their hired men drave him away,
                            and there was none who had pity on him. Nor could he hear anywhere
                            of the beggar-woman who was his mother, though for the space  of
                            three years he wandered over the world, and often seemed to see her
                            on the road in front of him, and would call to her, and run after her till
                            the sharp flints made his feet to bleed. But overtake her he could not,
                            and those who dwelt by the way did ever deny that they had seen her,
                            or any like to her, and they made sport of his sorrow.
                                  For the space of three years he wandered over the world, and in
                            the world there was neither love nor loving-kindness nor charity for
                            him, but it was even such a world as he had made for himself in the
                            days of his great pride.
                                  And one evening  he came to the gate  of a strong-walled city
                            that  stood  by  a  river,  and,  weary  and  foot-sore  though  he  was,  he
                            made to enter in. But the soldiers who stood on guard dropped their
                            halberts across the entrance, and said roughly to  him,  "What  is thy
                            business in the city?"
                                  "I am seeking for my mother," he answered, "and I pray ye to
                            suffer me to pass, for it may be that she is in this city."
                                  But  they  mocked  at  him,  and  one  of  them  wagged  a  black
                            beard, and set down his shield and cried, "Of a truth, thy mother will
                            not be merry when she sees thee, for thou art more ill-favoured than
                            the toad of the marsh, or the adder that crawls in the fen. Get thee
                            gone. Get thee gone. Thy mother dwells not in this city."
                                  And  another,  who  held  a  yellow  banner  in  his  hand,  said  to
                            him, "Who is thy inother, and wherefore art thou seeking for her?"
                                  And he answered, "My mother is a beggar even as I am, and I
                            have treated her evilly, and I pray ye to suffer me to pass that she may
                            give me her forgiveness, if it be that she tarrieth in this city." But they
                            would not, and pricked him with their spears.
                                  And, as he turned away weeping, one whose armour was inlaid
                            with gilt flowers, and on whose helmet couched a lion that had wings,
                            came up and made inquiry of the soldiers who it was who had sought
                            entrance.  And  they  said  to  him,  "It  is  a  beggar  and  the  child  of  a
                            beggar, and we have driven him away."
                                  "Nay," he cried, laughing, "but we will sell the foul thing for a
                            slave, and his price shall be the price of a bowl of sweet wine."
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