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P. 129


                            3.  What was characteristic of the Star-child?
                            4.  How did the boy treat people?
                            5.  Why did he deny his mother?
                            6.  Why did he go to look for his mother?
                            7.  How did animals help him?
                            8.  What happened to the boy in the city?
                            9.  What did he do for the magician?
                            10. What was the reason for his early death?

                            6.Give  a detailed account of what happened in the wood.

                            7.Make up a dialogue between the Star-Child and the beggar-woman.

                            8.Draw a character-sketch of the Star-Child
                                   a)  before he met his mother,
                                   b)  after he met his mother.

                            9.Quote the text to prove that the Star-Child
                                   a)  was cruel and selfish
                                   b)  became kind and gentle

                            10.What might the Star-Child’s change / sufferings / death symbolize?

                            11.Comment on the following quotes with reference to the story and everyday
                                a)  As you dealt with me, so I did deal with you.
                                b)  Thy need is greater than mine.
                                c)  God careth for the sparrows even, and feedeth them.
                                d)  God made the blind-worm and the mole, and each has its place. Who
                                   art though to bring pain into God’s world?
                                e)  … as a punishment has this evil been sent to me.

                            12.How does the proverb Handsome is as handsome does relate to the story?

                            13.Write a brief summary of the story.

                            14.Analyse the reading according to the following outline:
                            1.  Introduction: (author, title, background, and main idea)
                            2.  Form:
                                a) Genre
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