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                                            THE  UNIVERSITY  CANTEEN

                                   The University has refectory services in its all buildings.  They
                            provide  a  range  of  meals  including  vegetarian  and  other  specialties
                            prepared from fresh food on the University premises. There are several
                            canteens,  refreshment  rooms  and  a  cafe  to  suit  different  tastes.  Many
                            University students have their meals there, especially their midday meal,
                            at lunchtime.
                                    Our  canteen  works  on  the  self-service  basis.  This  means  that
                            there  is  no  waiter  or  waitress  to  wait  on  us,  and  we  get  the  dishes
                            ourselves. There is a counter along one of the walls. First the customers
                            get a tray, spoons, knives and forks. At the beginning of the counter they
                            help themselves to bread. Then they move on and get the hors- d'oeuvre,
                            the first and second courses and the sweet. At last they come up to the
                            cash-desk. The cashier looks at the tray and adds up the bill.
                                    In  our  canteen  table  d'hote  is  usually  cheaper  than  a  la  carte,
                            when you order each dish separately from the menu. Sometimes we dine
                            table d'hote, but as a rule we choose different dishes.
                                    For hors- d'oeuvre we can choose from salad , sauerkraut, herring
                             or kipper. Of all possible soups, I prefer cabbage soup or beetroot eoup
                             with sour cream. My friend usually has noodle soup or rice soup with a
                             meat pie. Our canteen has a great variety of vegetarian, meat and fish
                             dishes;  namely,  fried  and  steamed  fish,  roast  and  boiled  meat,  chops ;
                             beefsteaks, rumpsteaks, rissoles, chicken, goose, duck with fried, boiled
                             or mashed potatoes, buckweat, rice or boiled vegetables, pancakes with
                             cream or jam, as well as other dishes.
                                    For  sweet,  we  can  take  cranberry  jelly,  stewed  fruit,  tea,  ice-
                             cream or fruit.
                                    When we stay at the University quite late, we go to the refresh-
                            ment  room  to  have  a  bite  to  eat.  It  can  be  a  sandwich  and  tea,  milk,
                            coffee or cocoa.

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