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of yourself in any situation and in any land. Whether your costume is a
                            business  or  an  evening  dress  depends  on  the  fabric  and  bijouterie.
                            Choose a modest and neutral look showing no ambition, because kitsch
                            is loud, while true taste is silent.


                            Text  8
                                                                        (From Fifty Model Essays
                                                                       by Joyce Miller  )

                                   Fashion  is  an  entirely  unnecessary  and  yet  delightful  detail  of
                            human life. No one could contend that a person who did not follow the
                            fashion was lacking in any great mental or moral quality; yet to be in the
                            fashion has given joy in age after age, not only to women who are up-to-
                            date in their costume, but to the men who behold them
                                   As  a  rule,  men’s  attitude  towards  women’s  fashions  is  one  of
                            amused tolerance. They pretend that they are unable to detect the nice
                            distinctions  between  the  latest  model  from  Paris  and  a  dress  that  is
                            hopelessly out of date. But they are in reality just as eager to conform to
                            the popular idea of what is and what is not worn…
                                   But men’s fashions change slowly, and men, unlike women, like
                            to be the last to leave an old fashion rather than the first to embrace a
                            new one. They have no desire either, that their womenfolk should be in
                            the  very front rank  of fashion. It would  make them  embarrassed to be
                            seen in public with a woman who was wearing something which caused
                            every eye to be turned upon her. But they like their wives to be dressed
                            as most other women are dressed…
                                   Fashion is an arbitrary mistress to whom most women are slaves,
                            but though her mandates are often unreasonable and not seldom absurd,
                            she  is  followed  willingly,  for  the  reward  she  offers  is  that  sense  of
                            adventure and variety which is spice of life.


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