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P. 41

Last Saturday  I  wrote  down  a  list  of  what  we  needed  and  we
                            went to the supermarket. We parked the car, entered the shopping area,
                            took a shopping cart and wheeled it down to the butcher’s department.
                            There  was a good choice there – bacon, sliced sausage, poultry, lamb,
                            beef, all laid ready in transparent packets with dates on their labels. (If
                            foods are perishable, they have to be dated. The expiry  date indicates the
                            last day the store is supposed to sell the item.) We bought a small joint of
                            beef and  chicken  wings. Then  I pushed along to the  greengrocer’s for
                            some eating apples and cooking apples, a dozen oranges, beans, and a
                            good-sized  head  of cabbage. We also bought a pack  each  of potatoes,
                            tomatoes, onions and lettuce. At the bakery we took two brown loaves, a
                            white  loaf and six rolls, some fruit-cake and half a dozen small cakes
                            (it’s a confectionery as well as a bakery). At the dairy department there
                            was a wonderful assortment of cheeses, margarine, sweetened condensed
                            milk, and unsalted butter. Our cart was loaded so high that it was almost
                            spilling  over.  My  friend  had  to  take  a  shopping  basket  as  there  were
                            some  other  items  on  our  shopping  list:  cereal,  rice,  tea,  decaffeinated
                            coffee, canned peaches, soap, paper towels, laundry  detergent and  dog
                            food. Though they  were all in different aisles it  didn’t take us long to
                            find them. There were long queues at the checkout counter and we joined
                            one. At that moment it turned out that we had completely forgotten about
                            orange  juice. We unloaded  everything  on to the  long counter  near the
                            cashier. Every article  had  its price  marked  on  it, and so she pushed  it
                            along as she “clocked up” (scanned) the price on her cash register. The
                            register automatically totaled our bill. We had some coupons and saved
                            five dollars with them. We paid, and with heavy bags (packing grocery
                            bags are free) in each hand, swung one of the doors marked “exit” open
                            and went home feeling rather tired.


                            Text   5

                                           AT  THE  DEPARTMENT  STORE

                                   I am a regular customer at one of the big London stores. I went
                            there  today  and  enjoyed  myself  very  much  wandering  from  one
                            department  to  another,  looking  at  various  articles  on  the  counters.  I
                            thought the assistants were very helpful. There must have been hundreds
                            of  salesmen  and  saleswomen  and  dozens  of  different  departments

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