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-   This fits very well. How much is it?
                            -   $ 499.
                            -   How much do I pay now?
                            -   25%. You’ll pay the rest within 6 months.

                                                     3. Buying a suit

                            -   What kind of suit do you have in mind, sir?
                            -   I’d like a light suit for summer wear, something traditional, nothing
                                too fashionable.
                            -   Single- or double-breasted?
                            -   I'd like something sharp.
                            -   What’s your size?
                            -   I’m afraid I don’t know my English size.
                            -   You’ll have to try on this one for size in the fitting room over there.
                            -   I don’t think it’s my size: the jacket is too tight and the trousers are a
                                bit short.
                            -   Yes, I think the suit is one size too large for you. Here’s another, a
                                size  smaller.  It’s  38,  long.  It  looks  marvellous  on  you.  It  really
                                becomes you. It fits you perfectly.
                            -   So it does.
                            -   It’s of very good quality. Look at the brand name. This material will
                                wear for ages, and it’s even washable.
                            -   I like the colour and the style. I think  I’ll take it.

                                                3.  Presents for children

                            -   My nephew will be six next week. I need to buy a present for him.
                            -   You should buy him a wind-up toy. There’s a very good choice at
                                the Toys-R-US.
                            -   He’s got a lot of those.
                            -   Skateboards are very popular.
                            -   Do you think I want him to hurt himself?
                            -   You can buy a bike. Or you can choose something educational, for
                                example, a do-it-yourself kit.

                                        4.  At a ready-made clothes department

                            -   Can I help you?
                            -   Could  you  let  me  see  that  mauve  dress  in  the  window?  It’s  my
                                favourite colour.
                            -   I’m afraid it’ll be too tight for you. Try on this one.

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