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volume of sales. A supermarket sells at least $ 2 million worth of goods
                            each year. Supermarkets account for about three-fourths of all food-store
                            sales  in  the  United  States.  Some  supermarkets  are  independent  stores,
                            but many belong to networks called chains.
                                   Supermarkets have changed greatly since they began operating
                            throughout the United States during the 1930’s. Early supermarkets sold
                            only food, offered few services, and displayed merchandise in shipping
                            containers.  Today’s  supermarkets  still  sell  a  variety  of  food  products,
                            including baked goods, canned goods, dairy products, frozen foods, fruit,
                            meat, and vegetables. However, many also stock auto suppliers, cleaning
                            products,  cooking  utensils,  greeting  cards,  and  other  non-food  items.
                            They use shelving and special cases to display products.”


                                   “Chain  stores are  a  group  of  retail  stores  whose  activities  are
                            supervised  by  a  centralized  managerial  body.  More  than  half
                            supermarkets  in  the  U.S.  are  chain  stores.  A  chain  can  buy  large
                            quantities of goods for all its stores at once, and receive a discount for
                            placing a large order. This system enables the chain to offer lower prices.
                            Chain  stores  can  also  share  costs  in  such  areas  as  advertising  and
                            accounting. Among well-known chain stores are Montgomery Ward &
                            Co, Woolworth Co,Kroger Co, Sears, Roebuck and Co, Wal-Mart, Inc,
                            K-Mart Inc., Toys–R–Us, and others.”


                            Text   4

                                        SHOPPING  AT  THE  SUPERMARKET

                                   My roommate and I (we are exchange students) do our shopping
                            together,  generally  on  Saturday  morning.  Though  there  are  different
                            specialty  shops  in  our  neighborhood  we  prefer  going  to  the  local
                            supermarket. It’s our usual way to shop for household items. We don’t
                            like  to  go  to  different  places  to  purchase  our  food  The  quantity  and
                            variety  of  products  available  at  the  supermarket  –  bread,  meat,  fresh
                            flowers,  hardware  supplies,  shampoo  –  are  almost  unbelievable.  The
                            number of brands is astonishing and is related to Western consumerism
                            and materialism – bigger, better, more.

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