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morning  and  sell  sweets  and  cigarettes  as  well.  But  there  are  legal
                            restrictions on selling many things on Sunday.
                                   In general, overseas visitors don't have much difficulty knowing
                            where  to  buy  things.  Most  shops  sell  the  things  that  you  would  not
                            expect them to. One problem is stamps. In Great Britain you can only
                            buy these at post-offices.
                                   Many large food shops are self-service. When you go into one of
                            these shops you take a basket and you put the things you wish to buy into
                            it. You queue up at a cash-desk and pay for everything just before you
                                   If someone tries to take things from a shop without paying they
                            are almost certain to be caught. Most shops have store detectives  who
                            have the job of catching shoplifters. Shoplifting is considered a serious
                            crime by the police and the courts.
                                   When you are waiting to be served in a shop it is important to
                            wait your turn. It is important not to try to be served before people who
                            arrived  before  you.  Many    people  from  overseas  are  astonished  at  the
                            British habit of queuing.
                                   An English housewife, as a rule, deals with only one grocer, one
                            butcher, one milkman and one baker. She may as well phone the butcher
                            and the grocer early in the morning and order what she wants. Then she
                            doesn’t go to the shop herself. She does not pay each day but receives a
                            bill each week. At the end of a week, on Saturday, there are several bills
                            to pay. Sometimes a person sees something advertised in a newspaper or
                            on television that s/he would like. S/he may write for it and ask to send it
                            C.O.D. (cash or delivery). When the article arrives, s/he usually pays the
                            postman by cheque.
                                   There is a tendency for small shops to disappear.


                                   Oxford Street is one of the biggest and most popular shopping
                            centres  in London. Its  nice shops and  department stores attract people
                            from all over the country and from foreign countries as well.
                                   Shops and  department stores are open  every  day till  6 o’clock
                            except  on  Sundays.  If  you  can’t  go  shopping  during  the  day  you  can
                            make a purchase on Thursday after office hours, as the shops close at 8
                            o’clock in Oxford Street on that day.
                                   One  of  the  largest  department  stores  in  Oxford  Street  is
                            Selfridge’s. It has about 230 different departments. They sell everything
                            here.  All  the  things  for  sale  are  on  the  counters.  The  customers  walk

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