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I  am  grateful  to  my  colleagues  from  the  Ivano-Frankivsk
                            National  Technical  University  of  Oil  and  Gas  (the  Department  of
                            Foreign  Languages  and  the  Department  of  Document  and  Information
                            Studies),  Precarpathian  University  (the  English  Department),  the
                            International  Open  University  of  Human  Development  "Ukraine"  (the
                            Department  of  Translation)  for  piloting  the  early  drafts  and  providing
                            feedback.  I  would  also  like  to  acknowledge  the  reviewers  whose
                            insightful  comments helped immensely in developing the book. I would
                            like  to  thank  my  students  (DR-98  and    DR-00)  who  helped  shape  the
                            development of this book.
                                   Among the persons I wish to express my special appreciation are
                            the following:
                                  V. Shehter (Ph.D., the University of Texas, a 2000-2002 Fulbright
                            Professor at Precarpathian  University) for  encouragement and valuable
                                  I.M.Romanyshyn,  T.O.Litovka,  O.Yu.Mykhailiuk,  S.O.Ivanova
                            M.V.Kisil for piloting the early drafts in their classrooms and providing
                            useful suggestions;
                                  V.O.Kravchenko, Precarpathian University for his useful critique
                            of the manuscript, professional advice and thorough editing;
                                  Stephanie  Plageman,  a  US  Peace  Corps  volunteer,  who  gave
                            freely  of  her  time  and  energy  to  read  the  earlier  versions  of  the
                            manuscript and proof-read the final draft.
                                  I    also  want  to  thank  Fakel  Publishers  for  making  this  text  a

                                                                                    H. Malyk

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