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13. Placing  special  emphasis  on  enhancing  reading  and  speaking
                                skills,  the  series  provides  ample  material  for  developing
                                translation and interpreting skills.
                            14. The materials have been pilot-tested at several sites that provided
                                suggestions for revisions.
                            15. The  materials  have  been  reviewed  and  proofread  by  native

                                                Series  Acknowledgements
                                   Developing a textbook series   is a team effort. We would like
                            to acknowledge all the individuals and institutions that have helped us
                            at various stages with this project. The authors are indebted to many
                            international  and  Ukrainian  EFL  methodologists,  TEFL  resource
                            materials  specialists  and  their  colleagues  whose  ideas,  activities,
                            seminars, and workshops contributed to the series.
                                   We  are  grateful  to  our  colleagues  from  the  Ivano-Frankivsk
                            National  Technical  University  of  Oil  and  Gas  (the  Department  of
                            Foreign  Languages  and  Department  of  Document  and  Information
                            Studies),  Precarpathian  University  (the  English  Department)  and
                            International Open University of Human Development (the Department
                            of Translation) for piloting the early drafts and providing feedback.
                                   We  would  also  like  to  acknowledge  the  reviewers  whose
                            comments helped immensely in developing the series.
                                   We  would  like to  thank  our students  of the Department  of
                            Document and Information Studies who were the testing ground for
                            most of the material and who helped type the text.
                                   We  are  grateful  to  the  sponsors  of  the  series  for  their
                            generosity and understanding.
                                                                           Victor Kravchenko,
                                                                                 Series Editor
                                                                          Stephanie Plageman,
                                                                           Series Proofreader
                                                                               Halyna Malyk,
                                                                        Series Co-coordinator

                            Note:  We  have  tried  to  trace  the  ownership  of  all  copyrighted  material.
                            However,  despite  our  efforts  to  contact  copyright  holders  before  publication,
                            this has not always been possible. If notified, the publisher will be pleased to
                            rectify any errors at the earliest opportunity.

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