Page 45 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 45

4. Передайте зміст другого абзацу українською.

                  5.  Прочитайте  3-й  і  4-й  абзаци  тексту  і  скажіть,  за  що  відповідає

                      начальник служби пального полку і які його обов'язки.

                  6. Виділіть основну інформацію тексту:

                  a)  напишіть план, який виражає головну думку;

                  b) до кожного пункту плану напишіть також словосполучення, які виражають

                      головну думку.

                                                            TEXT C

                                    LOGISTICS HEADQUARTERS INITIATIVES

                  1.  Перекладіть текст письмово, користуючись словником.

                  The  new  logistics  headquarters  initiatives  (LOG  C2)  assume  that  the  functional

                  petroleum,  ammunition,  and  transportation  groups  within  the  corps  support

                  command  (COSCOM)  will  be  eliminated.  (The  Army  removed  petroleum  and

                  ammunition groups from the COSCOM as a result of several previous doctrinal

                  studies). To replace them, LOG C2 calls for the creation of multifunctional corps

                  support  groups,  which  will  provide  the  corps  with  supply,  field  services,

                  maintenance, petroleum, water, ammunition, and transportation support.

                         The COSCOM will be authorized one corps support group headquarters for
                  each  committed  division  in  the  corps  and  at  least  one  corps  support  group

                  headquarters to command combat service support units operating in the rear of the
                  corps rear area.

                         The corps support groups immediately behind each committed division will

                  be  called  "forward  corps  support  groups".  They  will  provide  support  to

                  nondivisional  corps  forces  operating  in  the  division's  area  of  operations;  area

                  support to units behind the division's rear boundary; backup direct support (DS) to

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