Page 41 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 41

5.  The main groups of technical facilities are...

                      6.  The whole of the motor-vehicle fleet...

                      7.  The Service also pays special...

                  9. Вставте слова, які підходять за змістом:

                      1.  The Fuel... was... in 1936 to organize centralized... and ... supply of the...

                         Forces with all necessary... and....

                      2.  The Fuel ... today is a highly ... and ... machine.

                      3.  The... Service has its special... and... carry out a vast volume of work.

                      4.  The Armed... engaged in combat... consume a vast volume of....

                      5.  There are 500 names of ... which form 11 groups.

                  10. Виконайте двобічний переклад:

                  1. Коли була утворена служба              The Fuel Service was created in 1936.


                  2. Яка головна мета служби                The  main  mission  of  the  Fuel  Service  is  to

                     пального?                              organize centralized, reliable and uninterrupted

                                                            supply of the Armed Forces with all necessary

                                                            fuel and technical facilities.

                  3. Що собою являє служба                  The Fuel Service today is a highly mobile and

                     сьогодні?                              efficient machine.

                  4. Які основні групи технічних            The  main  groups  of  technical  facilities  are:
                     засобів служби пального?               means  of  pumping,  means  of  refueling,  and

                                                            means of storage, means of transportation.

                  5. Ким Ви станете по                      Upon  graduation  from  the  military  school  I'll

                     закінченні училища?                    be the chief of the Regiment's Fuel Service.

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