Page 39 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 39

4. Погодьтеся з наступними твердженнями або спростуйте їх:

                  1. The Armed Forces are equipped with the first - class materials.

                  2. The state of high combat readiness of units and subunits depends on their timely

                      supply with fuel, lubricants and special liquids.

                  3. The Fuel Service was created in 1936.

                  4. The mission of the Fuel Service is to supply units and subunits with food and


                  5. The constant motorization and automation of the Soviet Army and Navy have

                      led to increase fuel consumption volume, demand for new fuel grades.

                  6. The technical facilities of the Fuel Service form 9 groups.

                  7. The Service also pays special attention to the training of skilled personnel.

                  8. Upon graduation from our military school I'll be a political worker.

                  9. I'll be responsible for regiment's supply with fuel, lubricants, special liquids and

                      technical facilities.

                  5. Закінчіть наступні речення:

                     1. The Fuel Service supplies ...

                     2. The Fuel Service special agencies supply ...

                     3. The Armed Forces consume ...

                     4. The main groups of technical facilities are ...

                  6. Закінчіть наступні речення, використовуючи правильну відповідь:

                  1. The Fuel Service supplies            a) the Army with necessary weapon;

                                                          b)  the  Army  with  all  necessary  fuel  and

                                                             technical facilities;

                                                          c) the personnel with all necessary  food;

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