Page 34 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 34

9) to train – training – trainer;

           10) to mean – meaning – meaningless.

          4. Підберіть для дієслів словосполучення, які підходять за змістом:

          Дієслова: to consume; to equip; to master; to demand; to depend on; to organize;

          to carry out; to supply; to pay; to be.

          Словосполучення: a large quantity of fuel; with new technical facilities; combat

          units and subunits; special attention; perfectly the profession; timely supply with

          fuel,  lubricants  and  special  liquids,  a  vast  volume  of  work;  a  chief  of  the

          Regiment’s Fuel Service; centralized, reliable and uninterrupted supply.

          5. Згрупуйте слова у синоніми:

          employment n; create v; means n; lubricant n; organize v; kind n; equip v; always

          adv; take v; application n; facilities n; grease n; type n; arm v; constantly adv; get

          v; important a; responsible a; reliable a; firm a.

          Назвіть слова з протилежним значенням:

          armament; to create; mobile; high; to take; dependent; possible.

          6. Прочитайте та перекладіть наступні словосполучення, користуючись


          first-class  material;  the  state  of  high  combat  readiness;  centralized;  reliable  and

          uninterrupted  supply;  highly  mobile  and  efficient  machine;  under  present  day

          conditions; engaged in combat training; taking this into consideration; to carry out

          these  missions;  the  whole  of  the  motor-vehicle  fleet;  field  refueling  facilities;

          training of skilled personnel; chief of the Regiment's Fuel Service.

          7. Прочитайте та перекладіть речення:

          1.  The  supply  combat  units  and  subunits  with  fuel,  aviation  fuel  and  technical


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