Page 32 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 32

2. Ти коли-небудь бачив його мати?

          3. Ти коли-небудь  був на півдні?

          4. Він коли-небудь тобі розповідав про це?

                                          ЛЕКСИЧНІ ВПРАВИ

          1. Прочитайте та перекладіть наступні словосполучення:

          supply;  reliable  and uninterrupted supply;  to  organize  reliable  and uninterrupted

          supply; timely supply with fuel, lubricants and special liquids; to supply combat

          units and subunits with fuel, aviation fuel and technical facilities;

          to consume; to consume fuel and lubricants; to consume a vast volume of fuel and

          lubricants; fuel consumption volume; to increase fuel consumption volume;

          technical means; technical means of the Fuel Service; the main groups of technical

          means  of  the  Fuel  Service;  means  of  pumping,  means  of  refuelling,  means  of

          storage and means of transportation are the main groups of technical means of the

          Fuel Service;

          to  pay  special  attention  to;  to  pay  special  attention  to  the  training  of  skilled

          personnel.  The  Fuel  Service  pays  special  attention  to  the  training  of  skilled


          a  chief;  a  chief  of  the  Regiment's  Fuel  Service;  a  chief  of  the  Division's  Fuel

          Service; to be the  chief of the Regiment's Fuel Service.

          2.  Підберіть  українські  еквіваленти  для  наступних  англійських


           1) fuel supply                                  a) велика кількість матеріалів

           2) reliable uninterrupted supply                b) діючий механізм

           3) special establishments and agencies          c) використання військової техніки

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