Page 15 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 15

5.  Come to the blackboard! What has Cadet ... done?

                  6.  Take the duster! What has he done?

                  7.  Clean the blackboard! What has he done?

                  8.  Sit down! What has Cadet ... done?

                  16.  Перекладіть  речення.  Поясніть  випадки  використання  форм  часу

                  Past -  та  Future Perfect.

                  1.  I had read the book by yesterday afternoon.

                  2.  My elder sister had got married before I finished high school.

                  3.  By the time I became a first-year cadet my mother had retired.

                  4.  Before my parents got married my father had already been a regular officer.

                  5.  Before we came to Ivano-Frankivsk my father had been a division commander.

                  6.  I'll have finished this work by tomorrow evening.

                  7.  I'll have come back home by 6 o'clock tomorrow.

                  8.  We shall have already passed our last exam by January.

                  9.  We'll have translated the article by tomorrow morning.

                  10. The cadet on duty will have cleaned the blackboard before the lesson begins.

                                                            TEXT A

                                                MEET HARRY JOHNSON

                         Hi!  My name's Harry Johnson. I'm from California. My hometown is Los-

                  Angeles. I was born there in 1986 and now I'm seventeen years old. This year I

                  have  finished  high  school  and  become  a  first-year  cadet  of  the  US  Military
                  Academy at West Point.

                         It  thanks  to  my  father  that  I  decided  to  become  a  serviceman.  My  father

                  Richard Johnson is a regular officer. He is a colonel. He has been in the Army for

                  twenty-five years and now he is a division commander. He is usually very busy but

                  when he has free time he always spends it with his family.

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