Page 105 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 105

pumping; mounted on the chassis; to comprise a centrifugal pump; a centrifugal

                  pump  providing  the  capacity;  a  pump  is  powered  by  an  automobile  engine;  to

                  consist of a pumping section and a driver's cab; between the driver's cab and the

                  body  of  the  motor  car;  designed  for  pumping  Melanzh;  stationary  depots  and

                  bases; a single-axle automobile trailer; a self-priming pump; fuel component and

                  oxidizer; the  construction  resembles;  is mounted  on  a two-wheel  carriage;  these

                  plants comprise centrifugal pumps; to pump fuel at a distance of; a double-axle

                  trailer; a screw pump providing the capacity; oil and mazut pumping.

                                                         WORD LIST

                  1. body n                                       кузов

                  2. capacity n                                   подача

                  3. centrifugal pump                             відцентровий насос

                  4. chassis n                                    шасі

                  5. comprise v                                   включати в себе

                  6. division group                               дивізійна ланка

                  7. double-axle a                                двохосний

                  8. driver's cab                                 кабіна водія

                  9. high-pressure pump                           насос високого тиску
                  10. internal combustion engine                  двигун внутрішнього згоряння

                  11. locate v                                    розташовувати
                  12. mazut pumping plant                         мазутоперекачувальна установка

                  13. mobile pumping plant                        пересувна  насосна  установка
                  14. mount v                                     встановлювати, монтувати

                  15. oxidizer n                                  окислювач

                  16. power v                                     приводити в рух

                  17. pumping plant                               мотонасосна  установка

                  18. pumping station                             перекачувальна станція

                  19. require v                                   вимагати

                  20. resemble v                                  нагадувати, бути схожим

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