Page 100 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 100

4. Переклад:

                 а)  Participle I - дієприкметником (активним і пасивним) теперішнього

                     і минулого часу; підрядним реченням.

                 б)  Gerund  -  іменником,  інфінітивом,  дієприслівником,  підрядним


          3.  Перекладіть речення українською і визначте функцію Ving:

          1.  The Fuel Service is responsible for delivering petroleum products to units and

               subunits, their perfect storage and timely refueling of motor vehicles.

          2.  Making the working parts reliable is as difficult as making the structure strong


          3.  Organizing supply of the Armed Forces with all necessary fuel and technical

               facilities is the main task of the Fuel Service.

          4.  Different methods have been developed for refining gasolines.

          5.  The test demanded increasing the temperature of the solution.

          6.  There are some ways of obtaining high quality lubricants.

          7.  Gasoline is a product of oil refining.

          8.  Taking into consideration a great variety of engines and conditions of their

               application  two  kinds  of  gasoline  -  aviation  and  automobile  gasolines  are


          9.  Vaporizing at about 31 C at normal atmospheric pressure butane is dissolved
               easily in gasoline.

          10.  While  being  transported  by  railway  the  reservoirs  loaded  on  flatcars  are

               securely blocked at the ends and sides with wooden cleats.

          11.  Pipelines as means of moving petroleum products over long distances were

               used in the oil industry many years ago.

          12.  Gasoline has a boiling point from 30  to 215  C.
          13.  The  increasingly  important  role  of  logistical  support  is  aimed  at  supplying

               each soldier in good time with everything he needs for fulfilling his combat


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