Page 99 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 99

4.  We speak about additives being used for producing lubricants.

                   5.  Great attention is paid to the metal being heated to the proper temperature.

                   6.  It  is  well known  that  the straight-run  distillation of petroleum  is  the oldest

                        method for producing gasoline.

                   7.  We speak about pipelines being the best means for fuel transportation.

                  Співставлення Participle I і Gerund

                   1. Форми повністю співпадають.

                   2. Відмінні ознаки:
                       a) Participle I - O;

                       b) Gerund - наявність прийменників, присвійних займенників (іменників
                                      в присвійному або загальному відмінку) перед -ing формою.

                   3. Функції.

                         Ф у н к ц і ї                    G e r u n d                      Participle I

                    1. Підмет                  Distillation  is  performed  in                   ___


                    2. Частина простого                      ___                   The engineer is preparing

                       присудка                                                    a series of experiments.

                    3. Іменна частина          The  best  way  to  solve  this                  ___

                       присудка                problem is experimenting.

                    4. Означення               The principle of operating this  We were demonstrated an

                                               pump is simple.                     operating pump.

                    5. Прямий додаток          The      operator      completed                  ___

                                               pumping in time.

                    6. Обставина               After  being  tented  the  engine  Having  been  tested  the

                                               was stopped.                        engine was stopped.

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