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-  location  of  the  object  of  economic  activity  in  relation  to  which  the
                  forecasting  and  radiation  situation  estimation  done:  the  distance  from  object  of
                  economic activity to NPP R , km, the azimuth of the object of economic activity
                  β .
                         The zones of radioactive contamination are formed in the direction of the
                  surface  wind  by  the  average  speed  of  radioactive  cloud  movement.  Average
                  moving speed of the cloud V     aver.  depends on the wind speed at a height of 10 m V
                  and  categories of  stability  of  the  atmosphere  (degree of  vertical  air  resistance  –
                  DVAR), which determine according to the table 8.2.

                         Table 8.2 – Categories of stability of the atmosphere (degree of vertical
                  air resistance – DVAR)
                  Wind speed at a                        Day                               Night
                   height of 10 m
                     (V ), m/sec.                   Cloudiness                          Cloudiness
                                            No        Average  Overcast              No          Overcast

                        V =2                C             C            C              C               C

                       2<V <3               C             C            IZ             IN             IN
                       3<V <5               C            IZ            IZ             IZ             IN
                       5<V <6               IZ           IZ            IZ             IZ             IZ

                        V >6                IZ           IZ            IZ             IZ             IZ
                         Note: IN – Inversion, IZ – Isotherm, C – Convection

                         The  dimensions  of  the  zones  of  the  radioactive  pollution  (length  L,  km,
                  width W, km) are determined according to table 8.5, depending on the velocity of
                  moving the cloud V    aver. .
                         The projected areas of radioactive pollution are mapped to the map (plan) in
                  the form of ellipses in the direction of the surface wind (Figure 8.2).

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