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The  signs  and  symptoms  of  acute  radiation  poisoning  are:  vomiting,
                  diarrhea, and nausea, loss of appetite, malaise, or feeling unwell, headache, rapid
                         Symptoms depend on the dose, and whether it is a single dose or repeated.
                         A dose of as low as 30 rads can lead to: loss of white blood cells, nausea and
                  vomiting, headaches.
                         A dose of 300 rads dose may result in: temporary hair loss, damage to nerve
                  cells, damage to the cells that line the digestive tract.
                         Stages of radiation sickness.
                         Symptoms  of  severe  radiation  poisoning  will  normally  go  through  four
                         1)  Prodomal  stage:  nausea,  vomiting,  and  diarrhea,  lasting  from  a  few
                  minutes to several days
                         2)  Latent  stage:  symptoms  seem  to  disappear,  and  the  person  appears  to
                         3) Overt stage: depending on the type of exposure, this can involve problems
                  with  the  cardiovascular,  gastrointestinal,  hematopoietic,  and  central  nervous
                  system (CNS)
                         4) Recovery or death: there may be a slow recovery, or the poisoning will be
                         Hematopoietic stem cells, or bone marrow cells, are the cells that all other
                  blood cells derive from.
                         When a radioactive material gets in the body by inhalation or ingestion, the
                  radiation  dose  constantly  accumulates  in  an  organ  or  a  tissue.  The  total  dose
                  accumulated during the 50 years following the intake is called the committed dose.
                  The  quantity  of  committed  dose  depends  on  the  amount  of  ingested  radioactive

                  material and the time it stays inside the body.

                         3.5 Assessment of the radiation situation in the event of an accident at a
                  radiation hazardous facility
                         Under the radiation situation (RS) understand radioactive contamination of
                  atmosphere, terrain, water, food, fodder above the permissible (natural) values in
                  case  of  the  accident  at  radiation  hazardous  facilities,  which  demands  certain
                  protection measures.
                         The main indicators of the radiation situation and the degree of danger of
                  radioactive  pollution  for  people  –  these  are  the  sizes  of  zones  of  radioactive
                  pollution, radiation levels (pollution density) and radiation dose.
                         Output data for detecting the radiation situation by the method of forecasting
                         -  the coordinates of the nuclear power plant (NPP);
                         -  type and power of a nuclear reactor;
                         -  the particle of discarded radioactive substances, %;
                         -  meteorological  conditions:  direction  (azimuth)  β   and  speed  of  wind  V,
                  m/s; degree of vertical air resistance (inversion, isotherm, convection);

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