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calculation work during studying of FMMD. This work includes
one graphical sheet in A3 dimension (297x420 mm) and text part
for calculations on sheets in A4 dimension (210x297 mm).
The graphical part consists of the mechanism’s type diagram
in two dead-center positions and in one control position. Velocities
and accelerations vector diagrams should be drawn for control
position of a mechanism.
The text part should be consisting of the next subsections:
1. Research equation of motion of the mechanism’s input
1.1 Problem for the calculation work.
1.2 Short description of mechanism’s parts.
1.3 Type analysis of a mechanism.
1.4 Drawing of a mechanism’s scale diagram.
1.5 Drawing of velocities and accelerations polygons for
mechanism’s control position.
1.6 Research of mechanism’s output link velocity by
analytical method.
1.7 Determination of equivalent mass moment of inertia
during one cycle of mechanism’s steady motion.
1.8 Determination of equivalent moment of restriction forces
during one cycle of mechanism’s steady motion.
1.9 Determination of work of restriction and motion forces
during one cycle of mechanism’s steady motion.
1.10 Research equation of motion of mechanism’s input link.
1. Сенчішак В.М. (2016). Теорія механізмів і машин.
Короткий курс лекцій. ІФНТУНГ.
Senchishak V.M. (2016). Teoriia mekhanizmiv i mashyn.
Korotkyi kurs lektsii. IFNTUNG.
2. Сенчішак В.М. (2002). Теорія механізмів і машин.
Деталі машин. Івано-Франківськ. 292 с.
Senchishak V.M. (2002). Teoriia mekhanizmiv i mashyn.
Detali mashyn. Ivano-Frankivsk. 292 s.