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Skills of machines and mechanisms projection and
researching, studying of their working conditions, constructive
features and perspectives of development are very important in
system of engineer training. Knowledge’s of projection and
research fundamentals, designing and calculation are important not
only for design engineers, but also for engineer-technologists and
other operators, because machine’s effective work is impossible
without knowledge of machine’s construction, working of its
details and applied loads.
Objective of the calculation work from fundamentals of
machines and mechanisms designing (FMMD) is fixing and
expansion of knowledge that students got during the study course
and getting of practical skills for research different mechanisms.
Calculation work that students prepared during the studying
of FMMD was based using graphical calculation methods. But,
nowadays, basic resource for studying and preparing of specialists
is personal computers. That’s why, preparing of the calculation
work needs using of personal computers. It has to give possibility
for students to avoid difficult graphical methods of calculation and
has to increase calculation quality.
Also, it will take possibility to do multi-variants calculations
of mechanism parameters, to analyze these calculations and to
choose optimal values of these parameters based on criteria of
The most usable and convenient for studying of FMMD is
MathCAD app. This program has wide graphical possibilities and
easy mathematical interface. The basic advantage of this app
during mechanisms research is similarity between writing of
formulas in program and in classical view on paper.
MathCAD app takes possibility to perform differentiation,
integration and approximation of functions, drawing of diagrams
very quickly and simply. It compensates absence of obvious
graphical methods of calculations.
Students of speciality «185 – Oil and gas engineering and
technology» according to working program must prepare the