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P. 12

4) find extreme position of the point D, in which links AB
           and OA will lie on one line. For it draw arc with center in the point
                                      l    l    0, 4   0, 12
           O with radius equals  R 4    AB   OA    0 005   104  mm. This
           arc should cross trajectory of the point B. We got the point B 0 as
           cross point. Let’s draw a straight line from the point B 0 till point O.
           This line crosses circle in the point A 0;
                5)  draw  vertical  line  with  left  side  position  relative  to  the
                                b     0, 3
           point O 1 on distance            60  mm. This line is the slider’s
                                l   0, 005
           (link 5) direction of motion.
                6) draw straight line through the point B 0 from the point O 1
           till intersection with trajectory of motion for the point C. We got
           the point C 0;
                7) than, draw arc with centre in the point C 0 and with radius
                        l       0, 3
           equals  R 5        0, 005    60  mm  on  the  slider’s  (link  5)
           trajectory of motion. The point D 0 is gotten;
                8)  draw  mechanism’s  scale  diagram  in  one  of  extreme
           position by the connection of all points by the straight lines;
                9) further, divide circle with radius R 1=OA on twelve equals
           parts.  Draw  straight  lines  from  centre  of  this  circle  till  crossing
           with this circle. We got cross points. Designate these points as А О,
           А 1, А 2…А 12 in ω 1 direction.
                Drawings of another 11 positions are similarly.

               1.5 Drawing of velocities and accelerations polygons for
                            mechanism’s control position

                Drawing of velocities polygon. The link 1 moves rotational
           (see fig. 1.3), therefore
                            V A   l   7 0, 12  0, 84 m/s.
                                   1 OA
                Choose free position of the velocities polygon’s pole. Draw
           line perpendicular to OA – direction of point A velocity. Put the
           vector  р va  with  length  70  mm  on  this  line.  Scale  factor  of  the
           velocities polygon will be next:
                                 V     0, 84
                                A          0, 012m/s∙mm.
                                p v a   70
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