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                  •  organizational: barriers, filtering by levels;
                  •   mass communication: kind of medium, finances;.
                Physical  –  setting  or  physical  context  which  can  influence  the  content  and  quality  of
                Chronological – refers to the ways time influences interaction;
                Social  –  refers  to  the  nature  of  the  relationship  between  communicators;  their  social
                  statuses, ethics;
                Cultural – includes national backgrounds.

                                                CULTURE AS A CONSTRAINT
                Definition:
                     The ever-changing values, traditions, social and political relationships, and worldview
              created and shared by a group of people bound together by a combination of factors (which
              can include a common history, geographic location, language, social class, and/or religion).
                  Culture is best seen not as complexes of concrete behavior patterns – customs, usages,
              traditions, habit clusters—as has, by and large, been the case up to now, but as a set of control
              mechanisms—plans, recipes, rules, instructions (what computer engineers call “programs”) —
              for the governing of behavior. (Geertz)

                Intracultural  communication  is  the  exchange  of  meaningful  messages  between  at  least
                  members who are from the same cultural group or have culturally similar backgrounds.
                Intercultural communication occurs when a message created by a member of one culture
                  needs  to  be  processed  by  a  member  of  another  culture.  It  deals  with
                  the interaction between at least two people whose different cultural backgrounds affect their
                  communication strategies towards [tə w  dz] each other.
                Cross-cultural communication describes the comparison of communication styles  across
                  cultures.  For  instance,  a  paper  about  what  happens  when  a  Frenchman  speaks  to  an
                  Indian woman would be intercultural, but a paper comparing the communication patterns of
                  people from France with the communication patterns of people from India would be cross-

                                         LEGAL CONSTRAINTS ON COMMUNICATION
                                                     (Pete E. Krane)
                  1)  Constraints   that prevent the communication from taking place:
                  •  Because of personal inhibitions, something is not said;
                  •  The government issues the order that certain information may not be publicly disclosed;
                  •  The politician concludes that an effective appeal should avoid certain arguments.
                  1)  Constraints   that involve punishment for what was said / written:
                  •  The voters reject the candidate whose appeals are not effective;
                  •  If court communication in improper, the suspect may pay a fine or be imprisoned.

                  1)  Efforts to prevent communication (freedom of speech);
                  2)  Actions to punish unacceptable communication:
                    sedition [s  d  n] (крамола);
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