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                                                 LECTURE  THREE

                                       COMMUNICATION  CONSTRAINTS

                                             TOPICAL DOMAINS/LECTURE PLAN
                  1)  Definition  of  the  main  notions:  constraint,  the  theory  of  constraints,  communication
                  2)  Peter Kane’s theory of legal constraints on communication.
                  3)  Communication norms, principles and laws as constraints.
                  4)  Crystal and Davy ’s theory of situational constraints.
                  5)  Goffman’s  theory  of  communication  constraints:  universal,  system,  and  ritual
                  6)  Gricean (Grice’s) maxims.
                  7)  Translation  [træns le  n  /  trænz le  n]  as  a  constrained  secondary
                  8)  Constraints in translation.
                                            LEARNING OBJECTIVES/ OUTCOMES
                    Explain the essence of the theory of constraints.
                    Discuss the importance of the theory of communication constraints.
                    Identify legal constraints on communication.
                    Understand communication principles and laws and relate them to certain fragments of
                    Describe Crystal and Davy ’s situational constraints.
                    Illustrate Goffman’s communication constraints.
                    Identify violations of Gricean (Grice’s) maxims.
                    Produce utterances according to Gricean maxims.
                    Generalize theories of translation as a constrained secondary communication.
                    Analyze possible constraints in translation.
                  1.  Бацевич  Ф.С.  Основи  комунікативної  лінгвістики:  підруч.  /  Ф.С. Бацевич.  —  К.  :
                     Вид. центр ”Академія”, 2004. — C. 37-42; c.128-134.
                  2.  Al-Hamad M. Q. Socio-Political Constraints on Translating Verbal and Non-Verbal Texts
                     / Mohammad Qasem Al-Hamad // Journal of Arts and Humanities. – 2013. – Vol 2. – No
                     1. –  Pp. 93-102.
                  3.  Almanna  A. Extra-linguistic Constraints & Parameters in the Translation Process: A
                     Descriptive Study / Ali Almanna // World Journal of English Language . – 2013 . – No 3.
                     – Pp. 27-36.
                  4.  Chesterman  A.  Norms  and  Constraints  /  Andrew  Chesterman  //  Memes  of
                     Translation: The Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory. – John Benjamins Publishing,
                     1997. – P. 79.
                  5.  Hatch  E.  Communication  theory:  system  constraints  and  conversational  analysis  //
                     Discourse and language education / Evelyn Hatch. – Cambridge: Cambridge University
                     Press, 1992. – Pp. 6-46.
                  6.  Kane  P.E.  Legal  Constraints  on  Communication  /  Peter  E.  Kane//  Speech
                     Communication:  Essays  to  Commemorate  the  75   Anniversary  of  the  Speech
                     Communication Association / Eds Gerald M Phillips, Julia T. Wood. – SIU Press, 1990.
                     – Pp. 235-263.
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