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17   4,45  3,59    3,20   2,96  2,81  2,70  2,55  2,38  2,19
             18   4,41  3,55    3,16   2,93  2,77  2,66  2,51  2,34  2,15
             19   4,38  3,52    3,13   2,90  2,74  2,63  2,48  2,31  2,11
             20   4,35  3,49    3,10   2,87  2,71  2,60  2,45  2,28  2,08
             21   4,32  3,47    3,07   2,84  2,68  2,57  2,42  2,25  2,05
             22   4,30  3,44    3,05   2,82  2,66  2,55  2,40  2,23  2,03
             23   4,28  3,42    3,03   2,80  2,64  2,53  2,38  2,20  2,00
             24   4,26  3,40    3,01   2,78  2,62  2,51  2,36  2,18  1,98
             25   4,24  3,38    2,99   2,76  2,60  2,49  2,34  2,16  1,96
             26   4,22  3,37    2,98   2,74  2,59  2,47  2,32  2,15  1,95
            27    4,21  3,35  2,96  2,73  2,57  2,46  2,30  2,13  1,93
            28    4,20  3,34  2,95  2,71  2,56  2,44  2,29  2,12  1,91
            29    4,18  3,33  2,93  2,70  2,54  2,43  2,28  2,10  1,90
            30    4,17  3,32  2,92  2,69  2,53  2,42  2,27  2,09  1,89
            40    4,08  3,23  2,84  2,61  2,45  2,34  2,18  2,00  1,79
            60    4,00  3,15  2,76  2,52  2,37  2,25  2,10  1,92  1,70
            120  3,92  3,07  2,68  2,45  2,29  2,17  2,02  1,83  1,61

                4.6   Methods  of  excluding  minor  factors  and
           anomalous values

                When  processing  the  results  of  experiments  or  industrial
           data, it is necessary to establish the factors, which significantly
           affect  the  process  and  its  characteristics,  and  eliminate
           insignificant ones.
                There  are  many  approaches  to  exclude  insignificant
           factors or their abnormal values. The most common is selective
           experiment, associative analysis and method of D. Himelblau.
                When using selective experiment, it is necessary to build a
           planning  matrix and conduct a preliminary experiment, results
           of  that  experiment  let  to  assess  the  impact  of  factors  on  the
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